
How To Become A Manager At Mcdonald's

Will you be lovin' it as a McDonald's manager?

Will you be lovin' it as a McDonald's manager?

McDonald's Managers

Considering a management career at McDonald'due south? Getting hired at McDonald's might seem easy enough, only working at McDonald's long-term is not something just anybody can handle. Keep reading to find out what existence a McDonald'due south manager is actually like.

Task Duties

Depending on the management level, yous will perform a variety of tasks each 24-hour interval including:

  • Counting drawers and preparing deposits
  • Taking inventory
  • Creating a weekly schedule for crew members and a monthly schedule for managers
  • Cleaning
  • Handling customer complaints (and trust me, you'll go a lot of them)
  • Completing paperwork, orientation, and preparation sessions for new employees

Y'all will also ofttimes exist expected to do the same things the coiffure does, although technically your job is to supervise. Yous'll make sandwiches, melt meat and chicken, accept orders at the front register or bulldoze-thru window, cook chips, and wash dishes.

Manager Piece of work Schedules

Managers at McDonald'southward are required to work on weekends and holidays. Weekends are the busiest time for many McDonald's restaurants; some stores make more than on Sabbatum and Sunday than they practice for the other five days of the calendar week combined. If you are a person who doesn't like to piece of work evenings or weekends, a career as a McDonald's Manager is not right for you. Some stores are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which ways that yous might be expected to piece of work ten p.grand. to seven a.1000. one day and iv a.yard. to two p.m. a few days afterward.

Don't be fooled by promises of flexible schedules; those are ordinarily only offered to coiffure members. Managers are often expected to have 24-hour availability. Keep in mind that managers are frequently called in early or asked to stay tardily and that if the next manager doesn't show up for his or her shift, you lot take to stay until a replacement is found.

Salaries and Benefits


How much do managers at McDonald's make? Well, it depends on a variety of different factors: your position (hourly or salaried), the length of fourth dimension you've been with the company, availability (are you flexible with your work schedule, or practise you require set hours?), and whether y'all work for the corporation or for a franchise.

Generally, if y'all work for the McDonald'south corporation (every bit opposed to a franchise possessor), y'all will make more than coin. Even so, more 70% of McDonald'southward are franchised, so finding a corporate shop in your area might be difficult.

Here are the average salaries for managers:

  • Hourly: $ix.77 per hour
  • Assistant Managers: $27,732 per yr
  • Store Managers: $35,586 per year

Remember, this is merely the average bacon for each position. Many hourly managers are offered overtime, which ways they have a chance to make as much, if not more, than their salaried coworkers. I have met store managers who fabricated almost $60,000 per year and hourly managers who made $13 per hour.


Simply like pay rates, benefits vary widely depending on whether you work for a franchise or corporation. A managing director working at a corporate shop is likely to receive one or ii weeks of paid vacation, as well as monthly or quarterly bonuses based on sales. They are besides ordinarily offered wellness insurance and a 401K Plan. A manager at a franchise might not receive the same benefits.

I spent seven years as a director at a franchised location (which switched owners three times during my fourth dimension there), and was offered the same insurance equally the crew people: McCrew Care. I was personally told by the operator that McCrew Intendance was a joke, and that no doctors in the surface area accepted it. I will say that one of my franchise owners offered Blue Cantankerous Bluish Shield, and even said he'd pay for me to accept Spanish courses at the customs college (we had a lot of employees and customers who did not speak English language). Unfortunately, he sold the restaurant shop to some other franchise owner, and she took away all of our benefits.


A degree is commonly not required to go a McDonald'south manager, although many assistant managers and store managers accept a bachelor's caste from an accredited academy. In this economy, it never hurts to finish higher and get your degree.

Even if you don't take a degree, expect to oftentimes nourish seminars, grooming classes, and conventions. Near states also require all eating house managers to go their food condom certificates.

Working Conditions and Job Security

Working Conditions

Tin you handle continuing on your feet for long periods of fourth dimension? Managers piece of work incredibly hard, and a career in restaurant direction is physically, mentally, and emotionally draining at times. There will exist days when most of your co-workers will call in sick, which means you lot volition be expected to pick up the slack. That means you lot might work for hours without a bathroom interruption or drink of water, and rarely, if ever, volition you actually notice the time to sit downwardly for an unpaid lunch or dinner break. In fact, if you're the simply director scheduled for that shift, you volition probably not be allowed to sit down at all (and if yous endeavor, y'all will exist badgered with questions from angry customers and tired crew members).

If you're working the grill, it will be hot. If you're working in the drive-thru, it will be hot in the summertime and painfully cold in the winter. No matter where you're working or what season information technology is, your feet will probably hurt at the cease of the twenty-four hour period.

Task Security

Having said that, fast food manager jobs aren't going anywhere, especially if you work at McDonald's. Despite the numerous protests that McDonald's is causing Americans to become obese, sales go along increasing and the restaurants can be found on every corner. Even if you lose your job at one location, it'southward easy to go downward the street and utilise for another one. I've seen information technology happen more times than I tin can count.

Is It Right for You?

A career as a fast-food manager is non for everybody. The wages are decent; however, you volition often go home physically and mentally exhausted. You will terminate up working nearly weekends and holidays; if yous are raising a family, this might have its cost afterward a while. If you're looking for benefits such equally wellness insurance and paid vacation, yous might not become them.

Information technology's not all bad, though. After being screamed at by the 14th customer of the day because the fries aren't hot enough, yous'll bond with your co-workers over how amazingly rude people can be. You'll gloat together each time you lot accomplish goals for bulldoze-thru times. You'll work with high school students, middle-aged moms, and senior citizens, and you lot might even start to treat each other like family. Information technology could exist a lot worse, right?

What Makes a Smashing McDonald's Manager?

A career in fast food managing director is extremely stressful. Here's what you lot need:

• Patience (and lots of it).

• Assertive, not aggressive, attitude.

• A thick skin when it comes to unhappy customers.

• Endurance to stand on feet for hours.

• Confidence to manage and directly employees.

This article is authentic and truthful to the best of the author'southward noesis. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes merely and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional communication in concern, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Angelica Ruffin on February xi, 2019:

This is my first fourth dimension being a manager for McDonald's and if I may say so I'm Loving It!!!!!! This is my second week working here and I want years to get in this industry. I love my crew they are wonderful and I hope to progress in this McDonald's industry.

Teresa moreno on January 18, 2019:

How-do-you-do ive been at mcdonnalds palmdale california for 2 years going on three . im a Gel. Learder i beloved what do . 1 of my goals this year is to get promoted for manager position i feel like im capable of performing such exticing position. Furthermore i feel like i have the personality and most of import the desire. If given the apportunity i will perforrm my duties with passion and to the all-time of my ability.

JLCP on Oct 22, 2018:

Dearest information technology!!! Pretty much right on point. I started working at McDonald's when I was eighteen, became a crew trainer virtually a year later,and I was taking mangers classes soon earlier I turned 21 and I only kept working hard (and yes it is very hard work.) and I've been a section manger for going on three years!! Fixing to hit my nine year ceremony with my company!! It can go tough at times and yep you have to work long hours (worked over 12hrs the other day) plus trying to manage a coiffure when your short staffed and having to do positions also,but at the end of my shifts I feel mostly achieved, and when I receive my paycheck and am able to take care and provide for my family I know it's worth information technology...peachy article hopefully it will help people who desire to movement farther in their career at McDonald'due south,trust me I didn't think I would be there very long but if you lot work at a good store with a skillful gm who really sees your hard work and wants to evidence you they encounter it the promotion start coming in and the pay raises are correct backside them!!! :)

Daniel on March 26, 2018:

Only finished management training class through my franchise that took most three months. Got my nutrient safe license and binders of information they taught. (you volition never finish learning). Anybody tin can be promoted if you bear witness that you piece of work hard and will do the extra mile that makes you stand out from other crew members. (Be the ace!) Started working as crew when I turned 16, and just got promoted to Manager at 18. All the same even in high school haha. See information technology doesn't really matter your age (well you have to be 18) but anybody tin work their fashion up .

Amanda degrande on Jan 19, 2018:

I accept work at wedlock lake McDonald for 2 years at present and I am very happy that they treat me like every one else and not merely for my disability

bony on September 13, 2017:

i accept piece of work for McDonald for 3 year already. i haven't had a job besides and don't plan on getting a dissimilar task i beloved it!

Bonnie on August 25, 2017:

Yes, I too, dear working at McDonalds always take and always will. I haven't worked for 10 years. At McDonalds. I but went dorsum been there 5 shifts. Male child, the registers accept changed, some of the sandwiches. Boy was I surprised, but I was hired back every bit a managing director. So the chore is coming back to me really fast....I'one thousand loving It! Give thanks you McDonalds

Anna on January 06, 2017:

Thanks! this was an amzing site!

Brian on August 18, 2016:

I have worked for mcdonalds since 2008 . Started as crew and accept worked my way up to a department manager about to caput to hamburger university this autumn. I can say with at to the lowest degree my store after you become to classes your pay gets essentially better and nosotros are a franchise. Aye scrubbing toilets can happen and hard shifts happen but fourteen.50 isn't too bad for a section managing director. I accept a lot of responsibility besides though and if something doesn't happen right it comes back on me merely piece of work hard and mcdonalds tin can be a cracking visitor to work for.

Dylan Matthews on September fifteen, 2015:

Im just a coiffure member and ive been working there about a calendar month and i already got everything down they put me on drive thru and forepart counter i guess im that expert

Jody on August 04, 2015:

Great article!

I desire to be a mcdonald's franchisee

linda marie welling on June 28, 2015:

wow after reading all the information on becoming a Mcdonald's manager i and then prepare for new goals and challeges of life..and pay..

Tdowers on June 24, 2014:

I would beloved to be a manager. I am working at a corp mcdonalds and i have heart and passion for what i do.

Im 27 right at present and my dream is to be an owner operator.

i just promise the store im at will push button me in the right path.

Sunnyglitter (author) from Cyberspace on August 18, 2012:

Cole, most McDonald's volition transfer you lot. It depends on a few different factors. My advice is to contact the owner of the new shop and make certain they're hiring, then explain your state of affairs to them. I know that I transferred to a new shop when I moved with no problems. Proficient luck!

Cole Webb on August 18, 2012:

I piece of work at a McDonald'southward at in Martinez, Georgia (2 hours from Atlanta). I accept been there for over two months. I'thou moving to Myrtle Embankment, SC in a couple weeks. I was wondering, do they do transfers, or how does that work? Thanks!

Susan on April 10, 2012:

McDonald's is not a bad company to piece of work for. Yes you lot work difficult.... yes you have to piece of work your way upwards the ladder...yes you work weekends....yeah you get yelled at (That is part of dealing with the public). But.... I guess because I worked hard and stuck with it I GOT THE ULTIMATE Reward that most companies exercise not offer their employees who excel and work difficult and yes make some sacrifices I after working for a Franchise for 20 years(Age 16-36) was given the opportunity to become A McDonalds Owner Operator. At age 49 I sold my Restaurants and RETIRED. Not to bad for strting out as a 16 Twelvemonth Old Child in McDonalds. Oh and I might also mention that I was 1 of 4 employees that worked for that same McDonalds Franchise Possessor that became an Owner. That'south iv of united states of america... And 3 of united states were able to Retire before Age 49...

Not too bad I must say!!!!

Jamie on March xxx, 2012:

I have been working as a manager for nearly 4 months now and everything this article says is so true! Simply I love my chore and I don't think I volition e'er exist looking for. New one. McDonald's actually is a neat company to work for

cdude200 on February 14, 2012:

Smashing story i been working at this burger joint for 7 months crew members practice non treat you like family they are at that place for that piece of paper that comes every 2 weeks and that'southward it im there because it keeps me out of trouble a task to tie me over until im washed with high school and job security then if i ever move out of state i can most likely work at one while in college I look at this job as a lesson as a reminder what would happen if don't do well in school the work is skilled labor up to a point of iii months TOPS yous don't have to have a perfect way with people if y'all have a pulse and somewhat of a retentivity your expert

Smiley on Jan 29, 2012:

i been working at mcdonalds for 8 years i similar working there i would like to come a manger merely its hard to come a manger at my mcdonalds

Sunnyglitter (writer) from Cyberspace on Baronial 30, 2011:

Thank you, Sortapundit. Is a career as a McDonald'due south manager right for you? :)

sortapundit from Copenhagen on Baronial 30, 2011:

Nice, informative commodity :)

Yoketah on January 24, 2011:

I have to agree that I almost never get to sit down down and consume during my shift. I almost always consume at the end, usually of a 9 hour shift. If your running the shift, you don't clock out anyways though, equally it's a twenty(or less) min paid break. Has good college benefits though.

cronos22 on Jan 12, 2011:

never really idea fast foog store management could be this stressful. i similar a challenge simply what you are describing seems like a nightmare. slap-up post.

Sunnyglitter (writer) from Cyberspace on December 24, 2010:

Pcunix, I could never do information technology again for any price. I'm not sure how I survived vii years in fast food.

Tony Lawrence from SE MA on November xxx, 2010:

Sounds like a very demanding chore. I honestly couldn't practice it, not even at three times the pay. Heck, not even at ten times!

Sunnyglitter (author) from Cyberspace on November 29, 2010:

Thank you, Awesome77! McDonald's can be fun at times, simply it'south definitely stressful. Did you know that all drive thru orders have to be handed out in ninety seconds or less, whether y'all order one cheeseburger or fifteen Big Macs? Things can get crazy!

awesome77 on November 29, 2010:

Very well put together! Now i know why some of the workers lose the bright smile after a while! Not bad hub!


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