
How To Measure An Ounce Without A Scale

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Measuring cups are more often than not considered to be essential items in a pantry. In particular, they are useful for measuring the volume of fluids. Fortunately, if you detect yourself in a situation without a measuring cup, there are other simple ways to determine the corporeality of liquid that you demand.

Things You lot Should Know

  • Memorize some helpful size comparisons and so you can improve estimate your liquid measurements.
  • Cascade the liquid into a glass and weigh it on a kitchen scale for an exact measurement.
  • Use teaspoon and tablespoon conversions to brand authentic measurements.
  1. 1

    Use an object as a reference point. If you lot are stuck without a measuring device, it can exist useful to have some visual aids in your caput equally a reference for the correct corporeality. Hither are some good ones to call back:

    • A teaspoon is almost the size of the tip of your finger
    • A tablespoon is almost the size of an ice cube
    • 1/iv cup is about the size of a large egg
    • 1/two cup is well-nigh the size of a lawn tennis ball
    • A full loving cup is nigh the size of a baseball, an apple or a fist[1]
  2. 2

    Choose an appropriate vessel to pour your liquid into. Ideally, you would use your hands as they can be cupped to create a rounded shape. All the same, this may not exist appropriate for sticky liquids. [2] Try to select a transparent vessel that you can easily imagine your visual aid merely fitting into.

    • For example, if you are measuring a 1/4 cup, it may be useful to utilise a tall glass that an egg would just fit into. A wider glass, on the other manus, may be more appropriate for a 1/2 or full cup.


  3. 3

    Identify your vessel on a apartment surface and bring yourself down to eye level. This will help you lot to conspicuously run across the amount being poured. Cascade the fluid slowly into your vessel.

    • When y'all recollect you may have the right amount, stop and compare it to the size of your visual aid.
    • Make adjustments to the amount in the vessel if necessary.
    • Launder out and repurpose one-time food packaging, like a yogurt or sour cream container, since they typically are measured in fluid ounces.
  4. four

    Take a look at the corporeality of fluid in the vessel and commit information technology to memory. This will brand future estimations easier, equally it provides yous with a point of reference. [three] It is helpful to go on using the same vessels for the certain measurements (e.yard. the tall glass again for a one/4 loving cup).

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  1. 1

    Use a kitchen scale to measure out the correct amount of liquid. In full general, information technology is fine to weigh your liquid using an ordinary kitchen calibration, using water as the causeless density.[4]

    • Nearly liquids, such as milk and orange juice, will have a similar density to h2o. Even so, keep in mind that some liquids may exist significantly denser (such every bit honey or syrup) then the reading may not be advisable for these.
    • To provide greater accuracy, some kitchen scales requite you the choice to select different liquids, such as milk. The scale so calculates the volume based on the density of the selected liquid. If you lot have a calibration with this characteristic, ensure that information technology is set to measure the correct liquid. [5]
  2. 2

    Calculate the weight of your fluid. If you are using an ordinary scale, you will need to piece of work out the correct weight for your liquid. Information technology is worth remembering that one fluid ounce of water corresponds to exactly ane ounce in water. This principle also applies to liters (i milliliter of water is ane gram in weight). [6]

    • Use this as your fundamental metric when measuring your liquid. For example, if yous need one-half a loving cup of water, it should counterbalance 4 oz or 125g.
  3. 3

    Select a glass or container to use to measure out your liquid in. Place your container on the scale, making sure it is in the middle position.

    • Do not add any liquid to your container however. It is of import to take your container empty at this phase, as you lot volition need to set your calibration up to exclude the container'south weight from measurements. [7]
  4. 4

    Calibrate your scale to exclude the container in measurements. Look for the push button on your scale button labeled "tare" or "zero".

    • Once this is pressed, the weight of your container should display equally zero on your scale. This will ensure that the measurement of your liquid is accurate.[viii]
  5. 5

    Pour your liquid into your container. Practise this slowly, pausing to have note of the weight. Stop pouring once your scale displays the weight or volume that yous need. If y'all get over the correct amount, pour the excess into the sink.

  6. half-dozen

    Measure any additional liquids y'all demand for your recipe. If y'all are using an ordinary scale and plan on mixing liquids together, you tin measure these in the same container. Keep the container on the scale and summate the new amount that you need by calculation together the amounts of both liquids. Pour the new liquid into the container until y'all achieve the correct combined amount.

    • Go on in mind that if you are using a kitchen scale that provides the pick of measuring dissimilar liquids, you will need to change your settings and kickoff a new measurement.
    • If you are measuring water and want to mensurate milk, for example, set bated your container of water, select the milk selection on your scale and begin a new measurement with another container.
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  1. one

    Work out how many tablespoons you will need. An easy way to do this is to recall that i loving cup equates to xvi tablespoons. This tin can be used as a simple metric to calculate how many tablespoons you need.

    • For example, if you lot need half a loving cup, y'all would require 8 tablespoons of fluid.[ix]
  2. 2

    Apply a tablespoon to measure out the liquid you demand. Mensurate your liquid over a vessel to forbid a mess. Pouring slowly and steadily to avoid excess spillage into the vessel, fill up your tablespoon with the liquid.

    • Transfer to the vessel and echo until you have measured the amount you need in tablespoons.
  3. 3

    Use a teaspoon to refine the book. Some recipes may telephone call for more precise measurements. In this case, you tin can utilize teaspoons to go the exact amount needed.

    • One teaspoon is equivalent to one/half-dozen of a fluid ounce or 4.7ml.
  4. 4

    Commit the amount of fluid in the vessel to memory. This will assist to develop your ability to approximate measurements.

    • If y'all are using a glass or plastic vessel may alternatively wish to use a marker on the outside of the vessel to signal measurements. [ten] This volition save yous from re-measuring the tablespoon amounts in the future. For example, if you measured out a quarter of a cup (four tablespoons), you would write "1/four" on the vessel.
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  • If you lot are using an old recipe, keep in mind that it may be using an majestic cup as its reference. Imperial cups are larger than the standard U.s.a. cups, equating to nine.six ounces. This means you would measure out 19 tablespoons, rather than 16.[11]

  • Recipes from other countries besides may differ slightly in measurements. For example, the standard cup for the Britain, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Due south Africa is 250ml (eight.4 fluid ounces). [12]

  • If the recipe is all in cups, e.g. two cups of flour, one-half a cup of sugar, a cup of milk, you can use a cup! Any recipes with parts or various amounts of the same quantity you can utilize i container to measure out all your ingredients. You risk only a larger or small-scale end effect.


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Article Summary 10

To measure liquids without a measuring cup, imagine an object of the same volume to help you visualize the right amount. For example, a tablespoon is about the size of an ice cube and a cup is about the size of a baseball game or apple. For ane/2 cup, imagine a tennis ball and for a 1/4 cup, picture a large egg. Then, find a glass that you could easily fit your object into, like a highball glass or whisky tumbler. When yous pour your liquid, imagine the object in your drinking glass and fill information technology with the crude volume of your object. For more tips, including how to use a kitchen scale to summate the right amount of liquid, read on!

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